The Evolving Internet: What PR Pros Need to Know

Evolving Internet

Did you hear the news? We’ve reached the end of the Internet. Well, to be fair, we’ve reached the end of the old experimental Internet, which just so happens to be the same one that spawned not only enough AOL Online CD-ROMs to circle the Earth, but Amazon, Facebook, and nearly every other innovation in […]

A Song of Ice and Social Media

When Season 5 of “Game of Thrones” premiers this Sunday, many of us will be anticipating how new plot lines will unfold. But as a social and digital media expert, I can’t help but think about the parallels between the most popular social platforms and the hit HBO show’s most compelling characters. And why not? […]

The Best (Un)Believable Marketing on April Fools’ Day

Admit it. You’ve been “had” at some point today. I have a few friends who already signed off Facebook for the rest of April 1st in an attempt to escape any tomfoolery. In that case, they better also avoid email, Twitter, YouTube, or the World Wide Web altogether. However, it may be worth the hoax. […]

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