The Strategy Imperative

Let me begin with the obvious:  The election is over.  We know who won. The reason I bring this up is that until November 6, America’s business leaders and the economy as a whole seemed stalled in neutral.  It wasn’t as if we collectively were doing nothing at all, but uncertainty about the outcome, or at least […]

A Plea on Election Day

With the polls barely opened and voting just underway, I write this with absolutely no idea of how this election is going to turn out.  I cast my ballot already, one among the millions of early voters who decided they couldn’t wait until November 6th to record their choice for President of the United States.  And […]


Public relations professionals often speak about crisis communication, but when a real crisis strikes, we all have a tendency to act on impulse. Strategy is something that happens on the fly. Decisions are made as conditions dictate. Surprisingly, this works reasonably well most of the time, but clearly it is not a sound or prudent […]

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