Established. Independent. Experienced.


Stanton is an independent public relations and public affairs firm based in the US and providing global service capability. We draw upon a portfolio of more than 30-years of experience supporting some of the most successful and important corporations, industry associations and non-profit organizations in their sectors. We operate globally through our own regionally-focused brands and through partner firms in agency networks we helped to create or advance. We are widely recognized as a team of professionals exceptionally skilled in the disciplines our clients require. We are recognized with our industry’s highest honors for work ranging from global campaigns, thought leadership and media relations, to policy communication, crisis planning and mitigation, large-scale special events and digital engagement.


Stanton was founded in Washington, DC in 1989 on the premise that clients expect and deserve the attention, counsel and creativity of professionals who are among the best in this field. These include former journalists and practitioners who have worked in top-tier media organizations, corporations, agencies, NGOs and government. 


Since the firm’s founding, we have created and conducted impactful campaigns for clients wherever they are located. We also expanded our ownership to ensure the long-term engagement of a diverse team of senior professionals. These dedicated and talented leaders provide clients and staff assurance of the long-term stability of our business, as well as continuity in client teams. They uphold our long-standing commitment to the high standards of excellence on which our firm was established. Our culture, ethical practices and deliberate focus on client priorities over external shareholder return differentiates us from the plethora of firms whose foremost objective is meeting forecasts delivered to external shareholders and boards


We are widely recognized as a team of professionals exceptionally skilled in the disciplines our clients require. Our professionals are recognized with our industry’s highest honors for their work including global campaigns, thought leadership and media relations, policy communication, crisis planning and mitigation, and digital engagement, and more.


Our culture expresses our shared commitment to a way of working that keeps clients first while ensuring dignity and respect for all people. It reflects a posture of social awareness and engagement that does not discriminate or diminish any persons, and commits us all to a model of professionalism that is ethical, well-mannered, accountable, and responsible.

These attributes are central to our culture



We are wholly dedicated to serving our clients, not any parent firm or outside shareholders. We strive to become part of our clients’ internal teams, providing sound counsel, going above and beyond to exceed expectations, bringing new ideas and always acting in our clients’ best interests.



We uphold high standards of quality that reflect our intellect and deliver substantive, meaningful outcomes that have lasting benefit for our clients. We always seek to demonstrate best practices, striving for the highest levels of strategic thinking and tactical quality in everything we do.



Our team comprises professionals who behave in a way that is ethical, well mannered and accountable. We act and communicate honestly and respectfully, honoring ourselves, our colleagues, our clients, our company and our profession through our actions.



We recognize and celebrate the value of others, regardless of background, and seek understanding, acceptance and engagement with diverse perspectives.

These values are CORR to the way we live our culture



To us, care is supporting our teammates; sharing credit, acknowledging the contributions of others; and striving to be competitive as a team rather than as individuals.



We are honest about our capabilities; we commit to providing our best counsel; and we express our humanity and humility, asking clarifying questions or seeking help when needed.



Relationships are what make Stanton stand apart. The way we approach our work is personal, attentive and caring to all.



We demonstrate responsibility by providing best practice counsel to our clients; advocating for our clients in a way that upholds both organizations' values; and following through on our commitments to our colleagues and clients.
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