Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers! In addition to last-minute fireworks and cookout plans for the Fourth of July, we’re also re-reading what communicators can learn from the Founding Fathers.
In this week’s edition, we cover a startling study about public relations, how marketers can be authentic and Arby’s witty take on fast food meat alternatives.
What Does PR Stand for Again?
Well this is sobering. According to a new study, two out of ten executives don’t know what PR stands for. Hint: it’s not press relations, publicity remit or protecting reputation. The bigger picture is that most leaders surveyed don’t understand how PR can enhance their bottom line. TL;DR – we as communicators need to do a better job of communicating what our industry brings to businesses and brands.
[bctt tweet=”Nearly 2 out of 10 bosses don’t know what PR stands for, according to a study from @teamreleasd #LunchBreak ” username=”StantonComm”]
Be. Authentic. B-E Authentic.
Roma may still be our Netflix queue, but that didn’t stop us from gleaning some valuable marketing insight from its Oscars-winning director on the importance of authenticity. After all, the film has done dividends for prompting debate and leading to reform in Mexico for domestic workers’ rights. Cuarón has six tips for marketers to understand the difference between truly supporting a cause versus paying lip service to advocacy du jour.
We Have the…Marrot?
Arby’s – known for their ear-worm slogan of having the meats – now has a meat-based carrot, aka the Marrot. It’s the roast beef titan’s troll response on fast food companies offering Impossible Burger, Beyond Meat and other meat alternatives . Don’t get your hopes up yet, marrot fans. Arby’s is still testing the public response before rolling out the Marrot as a limited-time promotion.
Insert Funny Subject Line Here
We’re big fans of PR News’ recurring segment Interviewing the Interviewer, especially when they feature reporters from the DMV. The latest insight comes from Baltimore Sun investigative reporter Doug Donovan, who wants communicators to do their research before pitching the correct reporter. Have a hot tip for Doug? Send him a note with a witty subject line or a fun fact that you learned about him online.