At this time of year, when we reflect on what’s behind us and anticipate what’s ahead for our businesses, agency and industry blogs inevitably focus on the “Best Of” the year past and predictions for the next. We did this just last week, with a roundup of our most popular posts for the year. It certainly is instructive to know what content readers found most useful and interesting, and there is great value in peeking inside the minds of industry leaders for their forecasts.
What I find lacking in all these New Year’s posts, though, is a sincere expression of gratitude for all the people, relationships, and moments that made the year what it was. That’s what this post is about.
This year was one of significant change for Stanton Communications. Some of it was very good, including a transformation of our work environment and the addition of some truly exceptional professionals to our firm. Some of it tested our fortitude in unimaginable ways. We were shaken to the core when one of our colleagues, beloved by her team and clients, suffered an abrupt and unexpected family tragedy.
It was amid these highs and lows that we discovered how remarkable our universe of clients, colleagues, and friends is, and I don’t know that we have sufficiently expressed how their support carried us through 2017.
So, thank you.
Thank you for sharing our excitement as we relocated our offices, for popping in for a visit, and for asking thoughtful questions about how a more open environment is benefitting our collaboration.
Thank you for welcoming our new colleagues, and for providing them the opportunity to contribute to our work.
Thank you for trusting us to assist with your memorable events and meaningful initiatives.
Thank you for your kindness, comforting words, hugs, patience, and support as we mourned.
Thank you for being a part of the Stanton Communications family, as a client, colleague, friend, and reader.
We look forward to the year ahead with grateful hearts, knowing that you will be on the journey with us.