Reflecting on One Year in PR Agency Life

Looking back on my first year at Stanton Communications, I am grateful for all that I have learned about the industry and myself, and I am excited for the future. Working at a public relations (PR) agency means a fast-paced environment filled to the brim with creativity, collaboration and variety. I contribute work to […]
World Thrombosis Day Recognized with PRSA NCC Excellence in Communication Award

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) National Capital Chapter (NCC) announced this month that its Excellence in Communication Award goes to global the World Thrombosis Day campaign, a global initiative organized by International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostatis (ITSH). Thrombosis – the formation of a blood clot – is the one disorder that causes the world’s top three cardiovascular killers: heart attack, stroke and venous thromboembolism (VTE). […]
Meet Olivia Melvin: How To Go Vegan Like A PR Professional

You may think, what do veganism and PR have in common? To that I say, many people use PR principles every day, to manage all sorts of minutiae in their lives—unknowingly! As a young PR professional, I continuously notice the seemingly unrelated experiences of my past that have contributed to my set of skills in […]