Often our Four on Friday posts consist of tips, observations or, in some cases, attempts to channel three Englishmen to explain an election cycle.
This week, we are going visual, with a few of the most memorable images from our 25 years history, capturing the spectrum of clients and events we have supported since 1989. We are sharing additional visuals on Twitter and Facebook throughout our anniversary month of July.
25 Years of Stories
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Cardinal Archbishop of New York Timothy M. Dolan and President Barack Obama at the 2012 Albert E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner.
A Baltimore City firefighter at the dedication of the 9/11 Memorial of Maryland on the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States.
A Stanton Communications hot air balloon readies for takeoff at the 1999 Preakness Celebration.
Heads turn as Jessica Simpson arrives at the 2010 grand opening of the Casino Club at the Greenbrier Resort.
Here’s to another 25 years!