Quick PR Reads You Can Tackle Between Bites
Happy Tuesday! Wonder Woman debuted over the weekend raking in a whopping $103.3 million in North America and breaking records for the top opening movie ever for a female director. Does this mean we’ll get to see Wonder Woman and Thor battle it out in the future? Katie Couric is wondering the same thing.
In this week’s Lunch Break, we share the importance of damage control, the continuing challenges even a thriving brand faces in technology innovation, and that impact a slew of scandals can have on your business, no matter how successful.
Stop the Press: How Do Scandals Disrupt Your Career
A PR scandal can cause serious damage for your customer base, reputation, and company value. Just ask United Airlines, Samsung, or these celebrities. Every company needs a safety net to come to the rescue when they face negative publicity. Crisis management is just as important as the crisis itself. What are your best practices?
Is Apple Getting Left Behind?
The wait is over for news on the latest iPhone update. This week, the world had their eyes on Apple. The annual World Wide Developers Conference, where Apple showcases the latest upgrades to their various devices and operating systems, was on Monday and the company pulled out all the stops. The big reveals included a smartwatch with a glucose sensor, Apple’s version of Alexa, plus plenty of hardware and software updates.
Some have said Apple is getting left behind by their competitors, failing to create anything new and simply updating their current products. Is the innovative era of Apple over?
Uber’s Latest PR Crisis
The PR crisis for Uber isn’t over yet. You may have seen the hashtag #deleteUber trending on social media recently. Uber has faced blow after blow when it comes to PR crises leading to the loss of 200,000 users. The latest, Uber fired 20 employees after an investigation into harassment claims. Additionally, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is leading a separate investigation in Uber’s HR issues.
In order to smooth things over, Uber hired at least two senior executives who will focus on strategy and branding. Hopefully these new hires can help Uber get back in the people’s good graces.
Career Advice: PR Grad Edition
The PR News community is giving out free advice to recent graduates. From top notch writing abilities to asking lots of questions and stepping out of your comfort zone, these communicators are offering their best PR pointers. What is your best PR advice? Tweet us about it.