Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers. We’re T-minus six days until liftoff. And by liftoff, we mean the Total Solar Eclipse that will block out the sun across parts of the United States from Oregon to South Carolina next Monday. In today’s lunch break, we’ll explain how the eclipse is a hot commodity for retailers, why it’s safe to get your podcast on, and how brands are falling for fake Instagram influencers.
Turn Around Bright Eyes.
Eye glass company Warby Parker is taking full advantage of next week’s solar eclipse. They’ve created a parody video of Bonnie Tyler’s 1983 classic ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ and have been giving away free Eclipse glasses all month long. They’re not the only brand that has been busy sundown to sunset. Business Insider reports that the sun may be setting on your chance to safely watch the event in style courtesy of NASA.
In Pod We Trust
Hear that? That’s a sigh of relief from everyone who has been “disseminating media content representing episodes in a serialized sequence” since 1996 after Personal Audio claimed to file their so-called “podcasting patent.” The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recently announced a legal victory against the podcasting patent troll, which means it’s now safe to hook up that microphone and jabber away for all to hear. This won’t be the end of patent trolls, but the EFF’s victory establishes important precedent for future legal battles.
Which IG Filter Can Fake Out a Brand?
Adweek explains a marketing firm’s social media experiment that exposed how easy it was to dupe brands into forking over money for sponsored content. The con was surprisingly easy, just create a fake Instagram account, hire a model to serve as the “influencer”, and populate your content using stock photos. The lesson here? Be wise with sponsored content and thoroughly vet influencers as you would any other endorsement deal.