Happy snow day, Lunch Breakers – at least in our neck of the woods. When we aren’t tucked away from the cold, we are dodging Girl Scout cookie sales at all of the metro stops. But we’re not fooled by their lack of years in life experience, because these young entrepreneurs can’t be stopped. In this week’s Lunch Break, we talk new frontiers for Girl Scouts, Amazon’s New York break-up, furloughed employees and more Instagram changes.
Girl Scout Cookies
[bctt tweet=”Look out for the new generation of @girlscouts, who are turning to #socialmedia to roll out their cookie #campaigns” username=””] Meet Kiki Paschall, whose Cardi B “Money” remake video went viral and received attention from NPR, Essense, “Today” and the Daily Mail. The video enabled Girl Scouts to show how the cookies represent so much more than a ‘dessert’ – they represent the future of female leadership and entrepreneurship in the business world.
Amazon’s V-Day Breakup
After months were spent developing plans for a major hub office in Queens, NY, Amazon pulled the plug and took the promise of 25,000 jobs with them. The news made a splash in almost every major outlet and politicians weighed in on the decision. [bctt tweet=”@Amazon released a statement explaining their decision came from poor local government relationships. #PRProfessionals – we want to hear your opinion, what’s your take on this statement?” username=””]
Free for the Furloughed, More for the Brand
During the government shutdown, brands made multiple efforts to support impacted employees. Kraft-Heinz went the extra mile and opened up a free pop-up grocery store, lining up products on the shelves that included Oscar Mayer Lunchables, Kraft Mac & Cheese, Capri Sun and many more. The strategic thinking behind the move: Expressing nobility to consumers to raise brand awareness through media attention and increase sales.
More Instagram Updates
Instagram has once again updated its platform. Back in December of 2018, it sent the internet into a flurry by changing the way users can scroll. This time, the newest update hides who views stories after 24 hours. In the day and age of internet stalking, users are not happy with this change.