Take a Walk on the Client Side 

When Peter Stanton founded Stanton Communications in 1989, he was singularly focused on establishing a firm that prioritized the client. Having spent nearly the prior decade in an environment that emphasized billable hours and maximum profits above all else, Peter felt there was a better way, and built Stanton Communications on a commitment to client service excellence.  Through the years, the Stanton team included professionals with a range of career experience. Some came from traditional agency […]

It’s About the Clients, Stupid

With the announcement of the Publicis-Omnicom merger, the first thought that comes to mind is “What about the clients?” That does not seem to be the first thought in the minds of either CEO.  Maurice Levy of Publicis stated blandly that “…size will matter.” Omnicom chief executive John Wren said the merger would enable the […]

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