You’re Already a Genius: Creativity, Systematized

We all are well familiar with the concept of the artist beseeching his muse and waiting for inspiration to strike so he can release a work of pure genius upon the world. But if you ask me, the muse has caused a lot more trouble than help for creatives. When you go from artist to […]
4 Ways to Put Creativity to Work

It’s no secret that creativity is critical to business success. In fact, Adobe recently commissioned a study that found companies that infuse creativity into their business environments outperform their peers in market share, revenue growth, and competitive leadership. And those “best place to work” accolades? They’re likely going to the more creative firms. So how […]
40 Years On, the Unchanging Field of Public Relations

This marks my 40th year in the practice of public relations. Over the course of these four decades, much about the field and the way it is practiced has changed. Today, we almost cannot pass a day without a new article, email or blog post discussing the radical innovations altering the course of our industry. […]