Media’s Narrative on Amtrak Misses the Bigger Picture
It is well known that our roads, bridges ports and railways are becoming increasingly antiquated and structurally unsound. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2013 report card gave America’s infrastructure a D+, noting it would take an investment of $3.6 trillion by 2020 to make things right. The fact that national news outlets devote so […]
Tired of Potholes? Here is the Strategy to Fix Your (and Every Other) Road
With winter’s end our annual spring tradition is upon us: I’m talking about pothole-palooza Each year drivers, mass transit riders, and pedestrians are rattled, bounced around and inconvenienced by the seemingly larger number of potholes being formed in our aging roadways. This annual tradition is joined by a chorus of voices asking, “Where do my taxes […]
Issues in Transportation Policy
Earlier this week, Stanton Communications held our second roundtable conversation with Rep. Bill Shuster, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. As always, Chairman Shuster was generous with his time and offered attendees valuable insight into some of the issues he is considering as the committee develops legislation and conducts oversight. Among the wide […]
What 2014 Means for Public Policy
With 2013 nearly in the record books, pundits, politicians and public policy professionals are looking ahead to decode the challenges and opportunities that 2014 will present. This week, Stanton Communications dusts off its crystal ball to look at four issues that could shape the political landscape in the coming year: A return to regular order […]
From Locke to the Federalist, Government’s Role in Transportation Policy is as American as Apple Pie
Adam Smith and John Locke gave America much of its philosophical and economic underpinning. They also both argued for governmental participation in transportation infrastructure and public works. For Locke, it was an essential part of his overall proposition for the natural rights of man, while Smith believed public works served to fulfill the natural system […]