Tips for Traveling PR Pros
I recently traveled to scorching deserts and dazzling cities in the UAE and Qatar to capture compelling videos for an international client campaign. The trip took place over the course of ten days (not counting the days needed for air travel) and included location scouting, six interviews and broll for the production of these testimonial […]
Mastering SEO, News Feed FYI, and More
QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers! As we settle into the new year and focus on sticking to our resolutions, it might be a good time to consider developing our PR skills in 2018. In this week’s edition, we’re talking increasing your video content, Facebook News Feed changes, your […]
Why Journalists and PR Pros Assume the Worst of Each Other
“I can’t believe how lazy this reporter is—I spoon fed her a great story and yet she can’t bother to pick up the phone and do a five-minute interview.” Anyone who works in PR has heard a similar refrain, probably more than once. And if you spend any time in a newsroom, it won’t be […]