Snapchat, Emojis, and Harnessing the Power of Visuals
3 Ways to Harness Snap’s Image-Dominant Future If you watched Arrival—the sci-fi film with Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and squid-like aliens called heptapods—you may have noticed the story hinged on visual communication. The aliens bet their future on the power of visuals and—spoiler alert—it pays off. Similar to those hopeful heptapods, humans have long tried […]
Content Marketing: Where to Start
Content marketing is now recognized as a staple—and even a driving force—for a strong online brand presence. As demand for content marketing expands, the industry continues to evolve and mature. You likely already know the impact content marketing can have, but if your company is just starting to build its presence, where do you start? In a recent post, SnapWryt […]
Key Takeaways from the 2014 PR News Social Media Summit
Yesterday, PR News convened its Social Media Summit and Taste of Tech in New York. It is an excellent forum in which smart and thoughtful communicators examine some of the most pressing and exciting issues facing our profession today. This was my second experience with this professional development conference and PR News deserves great credit […]