Why News Media Still Matter

Four years ago this month, we published a blog post titled, “Why Newspapers Still Matter.” It outlined our thinking about print journalism providing an “experience” that is somehow richer than what one can find online. How a newspaper provides a unique snapshot of history. How it gets your hands dirty. How it makes critically important […]
The Life Span of a Tweet

Why Fast Isn’t Fast Enough in a Crisis & Why McDonald’s will be Just Fine Social media pros cringed as news broke this morning of McDonald’s troll-ish tweet at President Trump this morning. In later news updates, both McDonalds and Twitter were lauded for their quick action—Twitter notified McDonald’s the account had been breached, and […]
What’s so Funny ‘Bout Peace Love and Understanding?

[rev_slider ASDinner16] Elvis Costello was not thinking of the Al Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner when he wrote those words, but they apply to the 71st edition of the event which occurred last week in New York. Stanton Communications was privileged to support the Foundation and the Archdiocese of New York with media arrangements and […]
What the Brexit Vote Means for the U.S. Presidential Election

As I watched the results of Britain’s EU referendum in Washington last night, it was clear by 10:30 that the Leave vote would prevail, a shocking development given the forceful campaigning for Remain by people we traditionally think of as powerful, credible, and more or less trustworthy. These are people like prime ministers, long-serving members […]
Words matter. Choose them carefully.

This statement should be hung from the wall of every PR and public affairs professional as a simple reminder that the words you use to describe, define or deride something are long lasting and can have unintended consequences. Sounds like commonsense, right? Tell that to Ted Cruz. Cruz’s use of the term “NY values” on […]
Two Reasons Trump and Sanders Are Masters of Political Communication

The presidential primary campaign is one of the most thrilling and interesting seasons, particularly for public affairs communicators. But this year has been an exception. It’s not just thrilling, but utterly mind blowing. Who could have predicted that a billionaire businessman with a populist slant and affinity for inflammatory rhetoric would become the Republican front-runner? […]