40 Years On, the Unchanging Field of Public Relations

40 Years On, the Unchanging Field of Public Relations

This marks my 40th year in the practice of public relations.  Over the course of these four decades, much about the field and the way it is practiced has changed.  Today, we almost cannot pass a day without a new article, email or blog post discussing the radical innovations altering the course of our industry. […]

Why the Basics Still Matter


In the beginning of February, Facebook turned 10 years old. There is a lot of chatter about how Facebook has changed communication in our culture over the years. But while the mediums we use to communicate have changed throughout time, there is one thing that has not — human nature. Call me old school, but […]

Tips for Becoming Your Own Editor and Cutting the Fluff

“So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads.” Wise words from the revered writings of Dr. Seuss, and also relevant to journalists, bloggers, Twitterati and public relations professionals alike. As communicators, our job is to tell a story, paint a picture and sell an […]

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