As Stanton Communications celebrates its 11th year in New York City, and its one year anniversary at our new location in Rockefeller Center, I thought it would be appropriate to write about why New York is one of the best places to work in public relations (PR). I am fortunate enough to go to work every single day in the heart of Midtown and have the opportunity to walk into the building next to Radio City Music Hall. Born and raised in New York, it was always my dream to one day work in the center of all the hustle and bustle of the big city. Continuing to grow as a public relations professional in New York City, working closely with my colleagues in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, I cannot help but notice the number of significant benefits this city presents and how much I truly appreciate its “natural” resources. Both the industry and city are fast-paced, spontaneous and full of energy; all reasons why it is one of the best places to practice public relations.
The City That Never Sleeps
New York City has earned the age-old nickname ‘the city that never sleeps’ and certainly lives up to all of the expectations. With a city that never sleeps comes a media industry that is constantly looking for the next big thing and the next hot story to fill air time and online platforms. The around-the-clock media presence in New York helps communicators stay on top of emerging trends and in touch with what reporters care about. This helps us better understand how our clients’ stories fit into the bigger picture. As a public relations professional, there is something that I have learned time and time again: you have to stay on top of your game because anything – and any opportunity – can happen at a moment’s notice.
The Hub
On the spot, I can name more than twenty different media outlets located within a one mile radius of our office. There is no question that the media landscape in New York City includes some of the most important and influential headquarters in the world. New York is a major global center for news and magazine publishing, and is home to some of the most notable television shows. Whether it is Conde Nast, Hearst Corporation, NBCUniversal or News Corporation, there is certainly no shortage. When working with our clients, we take advantage of proximity by scheduling as many deskside briefings as we can with reporters who work within the same buildings. We have noticed this method makes it easy on our clients, particularly those traveling from out of town. Back-to-back meetings in the same location allow us to speak to numerous reporters at several publications with minimal down-time.
Face Time
Speaking from experience, I have found that it is easier to get in front of journalists in New York than any other media market. Whether attending deskside briefings with a client, meeting at an event or grabbing coffee at Starbucks, there is always a chance to establish face time. Reporters, editors and producers are constantly out and about, traveling around the city and meeting with a variety of people. Establishing an in-person dialogue creates a connection with the reporter and opens up the door to building strong and long-lasting relationships. Because our office is located in the heart of Rockefeller Center, a historic part of Midtown that is home to NBC’s Today Show, I try my best to stop by the live morning program when time and weather permit. The ability to watch the show in person from the audience gives me a different perspective, plus I have been able to bump into producers and celebrity guests over the past couple of months. This is the kind of face–to–face networking that only happens in the Big Apple.
New York City is one of the most diverse cities in the world and that is something we communicators should not take for granted. Appreciating diversity is a big part of life here at Stanton Communications. We have the benefit of working with a variety of clients, and experiencing what makes each one unique and special makes the job that much more exciting. Public relations campaigns and strategies come naturally in an environment where we can feed off the energy surrounding us.
As a proud New Yorker, it is a wonderful feeling to know that my professional endeavors can benefit from all of the qualities this spectacular city has to offer.
I would like to conclude with a quote from a song by one of the greats, and a personal favorite of mine. Can you guess the singer and song title?
“It was so easy livin’ day by day
Out of touch with the rhythm and blues
But now I need a little give and take
The New York Times, the Daily News…”