Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers. Here at Stanton, we’re patiently waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom. In the meantime, we’re keeping ourselves busy by analyzing the latest Westworld trailer.
In this week’s edition, we cover reviving your pitch, using Reddit for content marketing, April Fool’s day and another company’s need for a crisis communication policy.
Campaign Comeback
When you spend time strategizing and creating your pitch, it can be disappointing if it doesn’t succeed. There are several ways that you can bring new life to your email content. Ask yourself, did you research the journalists and publications realistically and customize your pitch? There are plenty of ways to revive your content, here are some fresh tips.
Frontpage of the Internet
Reddit is currently the fourth most popular website in the United States, according to the ranking service Alexa. Reddit is made of millions of individual communities with followings that can range from only a few to millions. Finding a way to use Reddit in your content marketing strategy could allow you to connect directly with your readers.
Fooling the Public
This April Fool’s Day, companies didn’t hold back. From onion ring spectacles and essential pretzel oils to a dating website for your dog, brands spread the fake news like wildfire on Sunday. This happens to be the one day a year where brands are allowed to be deceptive, impractical and, hopefully, funny. Did your brand participate?
Data Breach PR Crisis
Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor are dealing with a PR crisis after cybercriminals stole over five million credit and debit card numbers from customers. The company is doing damage control to protect its reputation as they investigate the scandal. Does your company need to develop a data breach response plan?