3 Lessons for Brands Inspired by Iris Apfel

Last week, fashion icon Iris Apfel kicked off her second century with a birthday party littered with celebrities and signature style. The self-declared “world’s oldest teenager,” best known for her striking round glasses, bright lipsticks and bold patterns, has become renowned by the fashion industry’s biggest players, from Bill Cunningham to Anna Wintour, and by […]

An Internet Minute, Google’s New Algorithm, The World Cup And More…

QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES  Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers! This year, April flowers brought May showers, but we’re not here to rain on your internet minute, a topic to read more about in this week’s Lunch Break edition. We also discuss Google’s new algorithm, the World Cup on Twitter and Arby’s new […]

Injecting Sass without Losing Your Class on Social Media

Major brands are learning that fun and business are not mutually exclusive when it comes to social media. Companies are gaining recognition with consumers by actually using social platforms the same way consumers do: with humor and occasional sarcasm. Seeing corporations humanize their Twitter feeds and Facebook pages is a refreshing shift from the norm, […]

Bringing Sexy Back to MySpace

MySpace was one of the earliest players in the social media universe, but as savvier rivals such as Facebook rose to prominence, MySpace stagnated, dying the slow, painful death of those who fall behind by standing still. When Justin Timberlake and Specific Media announced they were bringing MySpace back, a collective cringe rolled through the […]

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