Ways to Get More Bang from Your Content

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Content marketing can get daunting quickly—no matter what resources you have, you can never be everywhere all the time. And when it comes to content marketing, the more content you can put out the better, right? The truth is, quality is more important than quantity, and should take priority. But a bigger reach is still […]

How to Dish Up Successful Infographics

As attention spans shorten and social media platforms expand through Pinterest, Twitter, Vine and Instagram, data consumption is forced to evolve. This development has brought on the infographic golden age. In fact, Social Media Today reports that “the volume of infographics goes up more than 1 percent each day.” Infographics bring interesting fact points and […]

Ways to Grab Attention with Mobile Content

This week’s Four on Friday examines how to grab attention with mobile content that packs a serious punch. Why is this important? Because attention spans have dropped. Down to 8 seconds in 2012 from 12 in 2000. Traditional media are closing their doors while new online and mobile platforms are launching with greater frequency. More […]

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