Building a Client Care Culture
Thanksgiving has just passed, but many agency leaders are still in the process of giving thanks. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, such thanks go largely to clients that have entrusted their firms with meaningful and profitable work. It is surprising, therefore, when we speak to prospective clients who tell us their agency just stopped paying […]
Harassment Policies Are Vital, But What About Crisis?
With each passing day, new and ever more salacious revelations of sexual harassment come forward. In this environment, companies are racing to update their sexual harassment policies. As much attention also should be focused on the creation of a crisis communication policy. Far too many organizations begin from scratch when trouble strikes. A crisis policy […]
Two Reasons Trump and Sanders Are Masters of Political Communication
The presidential primary campaign is one of the most thrilling and interesting seasons, particularly for public affairs communicators. But this year has been an exception. It’s not just thrilling, but utterly mind blowing. Who could have predicted that a billionaire businessman with a populist slant and affinity for inflammatory rhetoric would become the Republican front-runner? […]
A Return to Regular Order Means New Opportunities for Communicators
The House of Representatives is under new management and its newly elected Speaker, Paul Ryan, has pledged a return to regular order. But what does that mean? It’s been so long since the House adhered to its standing rules and policies that many of my colleagues in Washington haven’t actually seen a Congress operate as […]
Takeaways from the Midterm Elections
Across the land, professional prognosticators, pundits, and street corner experts are opining on the effects and lessons of the 2014 election cycle. Being none of those I still feel compelled to add a few observations. There is no doubt the Republican victories were more complete than observers estimated so there is no use in rehashing […]
Lessons from Twitter
We learn lessons every day from Twitter: things brands do well, things politicians and celebrities do wrong. But this isn’t that kind of post. We learned a LOT from Twitter, the company, today. Specifically, from Sean Evins (@Evins), Twitter’s Partnerships Manager for Government & Politics. Sean was kind enough to visit our D.C. headquarters this […]
Issues in Transportation Policy
Earlier this week, Stanton Communications held our second roundtable conversation with Rep. Bill Shuster, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. As always, Chairman Shuster was generous with his time and offered attendees valuable insight into some of the issues he is considering as the committee develops legislation and conducts oversight. Among the wide […]
Four on Friday: Areas to Watch in Energy Policy
The new American energy revolution is driving our economy in ways that were unimaginable five years ago. The abundance of domestic shale energy has the potential to transform the United States into a net exporter of energy in a few short years while lowering the cost of domestic manufacturing substantially—perhaps enough to start an inflow […]
What 2014 Means for Public Policy
With 2013 nearly in the record books, pundits, politicians and public policy professionals are looking ahead to decode the challenges and opportunities that 2014 will present. This week, Stanton Communications dusts off its crystal ball to look at four issues that could shape the political landscape in the coming year: A return to regular order […]
Can the Partisan Dam be Broken in Washington?
Given the acrimonious attitude in Washington, D.C. these days it’s unexpected when anything bipartisan makes it past the gestation phase. The political process has devolved to the degree that we anticipate every big issue Congress tackles turning into a knockdown, drag-out partisan fight. The debates over health care and the debt ceiling have been hashed […]