How to Reach Reporters on Twitter

It’s a busy world out there, especially for reporters. With reporters’ inboxes flooded with pitches on an ongoing basis, sometimes that alone just doesn’t get their attention. But you’ve got a story you want to communicate to your target audience, and know just the reporter it was meant for. So how can you engage with […]
Pitching a story cold? Try changing the subject (line).

As a local TV reporter, my inbox, along with all my other colleagues in the newsroom, was ever expanding by the minute. 10 percent internal e-mails from sources, assignment desk and the news director. The rest was filled with dozens of account executives and publicists trying to entice me with the “news” of their client’s […]
Our Valentine’s Vows to Journalists

This week, HB Agency announced its team will be showing journalists the love on Valentine’s Day with a #NoPitchDay. The goal? Give reporters a break from the incessant emails and phone calls. But the truth is, if PR professionals are doing our jobs the right way, a #NoPitchDay wouldn’t be a gift to journalists. If […]
The “Social” Side of Media Relations
I know, I know. Another PR firm blogging about why you need to be on social media. Well this post isn’t meant to tell you all the reasons a brand should be using social media, or why PR professionals need to be building their personal brands on Twitter (Not saying those aren’t good ideas!). For […]