4 Tips to Grow a Brand’s LinkedIn Platform

4 Tips to Grow a Brand’s LinkedIn Platform

So you have a LinkedIn profile for your company. Your employees connected with it, and so have some of your clients and other direct professional contacts. Great—but what now? How do you tap into LinkedIn’s vast network of over 332 million users to expand your company’s platform? Recently, the PR World Alliance launched its new […]

Top B2B Content Marketing Lessons from the 2015 CMI Survey

Every year, the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) surveys B2B marketers to learn about their content marketing practices and trends. The recently released 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends takes a close look at the results. There’s a lot of data packed into its slides, but the biggest takeaways can be boiled down to four key points. […]

Ways to Get More Bang from Your Content

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Content marketing can get daunting quickly—no matter what resources you have, you can never be everywhere all the time. And when it comes to content marketing, the more content you can put out the better, right? The truth is, quality is more important than quantity, and should take priority. But a bigger reach is still […]

Small Content Tweaks That Reap Big Rewards

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Writing online content to drive people to take a specific action is a precarious and unpredictable business. Something as simple as the color of a button can dramatically influence the success of a post, an ad, a page or a campaign. One way to help determine what content resonates (and what doesn’t) with key audiences […]

Things to Know about Google Hummingbird

Google released a new search algorithm this month. Meet Hummingbird, your new, more sophisticated search engine. Google is continually evolving its search engine and every update it releases creates a frenzy among content marketers. It’s easy to feel that just as you master one algorithm, a new set of rules is put in place, threatening […]

Tips for a Smooth Rebrand

Here in D.C., the Redskins are in crisis as they consider the recent negative associations of the team name and what to do about it. But a rebrand doesn’t have to be rocky. Do it right, and it can reinvigorate a company’s image and build positive momentum with your target audience. Here are four tips […]

Reasons LinkedIn’s New Membership Rules Aren’t Ruining Childhood

Big changes are coming to LinkedIn when everyone returns to the office after Labor Day.  Starting September 12, the social network will expand to allow members as young as 14 to join in the United States, and as young as 13 in some countries in Europe. While some are balking at the change and cautioning […]

What Bryan Goldberg Can Do Now to Fix Bustle

We are introducing a new feature on The Strategy Room called Four on Friday. Each Friday during the 4:00 hour, we will share four tips on a subject of interest from the week, four thoughts on the week ahead or four points on anything else that comes to mind. This week, we tackle Bustle. On […]

Bringing Sexy Back to MySpace

MySpace was one of the earliest players in the social media universe, but as savvier rivals such as Facebook rose to prominence, MySpace stagnated, dying the slow, painful death of those who fall behind by standing still. When Justin Timberlake and Specific Media announced they were bringing MySpace back, a collective cringe rolled through the […]

What Viewers Want

NBC is getting flack for the choices it has made regarding its televised coverage of the London Olympics. At the heart of this issue is not just one network’s choices, but a growing tension as new media changes audience expectations. The points of argument, and how they have played out, reveal a lot about what […]

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