Coronavirus & Amazon, TSA & Tik Tok, Jif & GIF, and More
QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES Happy Thursday, Lunch Breakers. We only have a few more snowless days of February in the DMV before Punxsutawney Phil is vindicated for his early Spring prediction. In this week’s edition, we take a look at the Coronavirus’ effect on Amazon shopping habits, TSA running out the […]
Apollo 11, Prime Day, Game of Thrones and More
QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES As we all know, the topic of weather is a networking event crowd pleaser, but by the end of this week you’ll probably be tired of commiserating about the dog days of summer (yes, temperatures are indeed going to hit the 100-degree mark here in D.C.). [bctt […]
Millennials, Amazon, Artists and More
Happy Wednesday, Lunch Breakers! It’s not officially summer, but who are we kidding? Everyone is already looking at their calendars and planning beachside vacations. If you are currently watching the waves and sipping on a piña colada, then enjoy the sunshine. For the rest of you Lunch Breakers, here is some fun news to read […]
Girl Scouts, Amazon’s V-Day Breakup, Instagram Updates and More
Happy snow day, Lunch Breakers – at least in our neck of the woods. When we aren’t tucked away from the cold, we are dodging Girl Scout cookie sales at all of the metro stops. But we’re not fooled by their lack of years in life experience, because these young entrepreneurs can’t be stopped. In […]
Instagram Networking, Gillette, Netflix Competition and More
Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers! As we get back into the groove of 2019, we are staying tuned to what’s happening in our industry – and it’s a lot. In this week’s edition we’re talking networking through Instagram, the Gillette debate, brand support during the government shutdown and some unsuspected Netflix competition. Women Network Through Instagram […]
Victory Fridges in Cleveland, Shopping on Snap, Nike’s Risk Pays Off and Departures at Instagram
QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES Happy Wednesday, Lunch Breakers! It’s the first week of fall, and no matter what the temperature is, consider it officially acceptable to order a certain pumpkin spice-flavored beverage and start hoarding your favorite Halloween candy. We’ve rounded up the biggest stories of the week from brands that are […]
Brand Reputation, Visualizing Content, Making Headlines and More
QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES Happy Tuesday, Lunch breakers! As we head into May, we’re celebrating summer weather and hoping for a win for the Capitals in tonight’s game against the Penguins. In this week’s edition, we cover visualizing your content, making headlines, Twitter content calendars, and Amazon’s brand reputation strategy. Reputation […]