Facebook’s Tough Week, MySpace’s Mistake, Instagram Ads Make Bank and More
QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES It seems like there’s constantly a news story involving a social media platform, even those that we’ve left by the wayside, ahem MySpace. This week we’re looking at the latest news from four different social platforms, including the good, the bad and the ugly. Hey, hey, hey, […]
A Song of Ice and Social Media
When Season 5 of “Game of Thrones” premiers this Sunday, many of us will be anticipating how new plot lines will unfold. But as a social and digital media expert, I can’t help but think about the parallels between the most popular social platforms and the hit HBO show’s most compelling characters. And why not? […]
Bringing Sexy Back to MySpace
MySpace was one of the earliest players in the social media universe, but as savvier rivals such as Facebook rose to prominence, MySpace stagnated, dying the slow, painful death of those who fall behind by standing still. When Justin Timberlake and Specific Media announced they were bringing MySpace back, a collective cringe rolled through the […]