Pride Month, Instagram Ads, Women’s World Cup and More

QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES Happy Wednesday and Global Running Day, Lunch Breakers!   Today we’re talking about the highly anticipated Women’s World Cup, the beginning of Pride Month, new ways to advertise on Instagram and the continued rise of the social media analytics market.   No Price for Pride Month This week marks the beginning […]

Why Television Interviews Still Matter

You may have heard the argument that “TV is dead,” which is a common misconception due to the ever-growing popularity of streaming platforms. Just this week in fact, Apple announced their own streaming venture and original content with the upcoming launch of Apple TV+. However, broadcast television still holds a prominent place within the media […]

How Different is PR in the Middle East and the U.S.?

Many years ago, I was a fresh college graduate with a plan. I would fly halfway across the world to a luxurious wonderland of opportunities called Dubai and away from the dread of looking for jobs with the heaps of fellow graduates. As a child of Lebanese immigrants, I had first-hand experience with the Arab […]

The Strategy of PR Monitoring: Why Monitor?

As a first step in The Strategy of PR Monitoring series, we need to ask ourselves why monitoring is essential to PR. Why is it critical to implement a monitoring strategy in your communication plans? There are three key benefits that should take priority. Monitoring your social media allows you to: react in real-time, engage with […]

Why News Media Still Matter

Journalism still matters. But the printed page? Not necessarily.

Four years ago this month, we published a blog post titled, “Why Newspapers Still Matter.” It outlined our thinking about print journalism providing an “experience” that is somehow richer than what one can find online. How a newspaper provides a unique snapshot of history. How it gets your hands dirty. How it makes critically important […]

Q&A with Our PRNews Rising PR Star

Cara Greene PR News Rising Star

No matter the industry or size of the company, having top talent on your team can make all the difference. At Stanton Communications, we are proud to have some of the best and brightest PR professionals in the business, and this year we are doubly proud to recognize Account Manager Cara Greene as a PRNews 2015 Rising PR […]

Why Newspapers Still Matter


Get an updated take on this topic from President Lori Russo here.  In our industry, we hear a great deal these days about “content.” We are told constantly that we all must “generate content.” But in an age where being published is something anyone can achieve, and information is available from countless sources, content is becoming […]

The Old Rules on Crisis Don’t Apply

The Obama Administration found itself this week the subject of criticism unparalleled since it first came into office.  If a perfect storm is the confluence of three events, this was the combination of four controversies unfolding concurrently and all in different directions.  Perhaps we can call it a plus-perfect storm. While the White House talking […]

SCOTUS Media #Fail: When Getting the Scoop Means Getting it Wrong

This morning, the country waited with baited breath for the SCOTUS decision—especially certain beat reporters. Within minutes of the announcement, CNN and Fox had posted the news online, tweeted it, and announced it live on television: Obamacare is shut down! Except, it wasn’t. A few minutes later, the SCOTUSblog announced that the health care bill […]

Can We Be Too Risk Averse?

Building on the previous blog post by Peter Stanton that touched on the inadvertent disclosure that sometimes happens I began to wonder if the tools and technology we use in communications and public affairs contribute to an environment where professionals become hesitant to engage media. Living in an age of 24-hour news cycles and growing […]

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