4 Trends That Will Shape Your PR Strategy in 2019

The world of PR is constantly evolving. With new technology, AI and tools available, creatives will find new ways to generate compelling content, amplify their voices and build brand loyalty with their target audience. As we close out the year, there are four major trends to be aware of in 2019. Representation For an effective […]
Marketing Memorial Day Without Losing Its Meaning

Memorial Day has become many things. It is often deemed the unofficial start of summer, a celebratory kick-off to barbeques, cold beer, summer sales and fireworks—all rolled in with a bit of red, white and blue. Of course, for many Americans, the true meaning of the national holiday is still, first and foremost, about honoring […]
Embrace Your Inner Producer to Maximize Video Interviews

In Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese’s 2013 essay on the language of film for the New York Review of Books, he said, “The image in the mind’s eye … For me it’s where the obsession began.” My experience producing video content for clients starts with a similar image—a vision of a single shot or line of […]
Top Five Time Lapse Videos (Inspired by Hyperlapse)

In honor of Instagram’s new Hyperlapse app, we collected a few of our favorite time lapse videos (before the social site’s 200 million monthly active users start cranking them out). In no particular order… The Pulse of New York City When FourSquare used its check-in data to track the pulses of a few major cities, […]
Ways to Get More Bang from Your Content

Content marketing can get daunting quickly—no matter what resources you have, you can never be everywhere all the time. And when it comes to content marketing, the more content you can put out the better, right? The truth is, quality is more important than quantity, and should take priority. But a bigger reach is still […]