Halloween-inspired PR Ideas, A Must-See Makeup Ad, A Gobblin’ PR Nightmare and More

QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers! We’re having an early birthday celebration for Lunch Break veteran Adam Yosim, who turns <age redacted> on Wednesday. In today’s edition, we pumpkin-spice things up with Halloween-inspired marketing ideas, the most romantic ad of the year and Burger King’s nightmare burger. A Pumpkin […]

Animal (Crackers) Uncaged

After 116 years, Mondelez International, the creator of Barnum’s Animals Crackers, unveiled a new illustration on its iconic animal cracker box to show the animals roaming free in the savanna. The old design featured circus animals cooped up behind the bars in a boxcar. This redesign, featuring animals freed from captivity, was spurred by the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The activist group began petitioning in […]

World Emoji Day, Quality Placements and Award-Winning PR Moves

World Emoji Day, Quality Placements and Award-Winning PR Moves

QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES  Happy Wednesday, Lunch Breakers! Here at Stanton, we’re recovering from this week’s Home Run Derby and All-Star game. In this week’s lunch break, we cover World Emoji Day, securing quality media placements, brands versus consumers on social media and the best PR moves of 2018. World Emoji […]

Listen and Learn: A Lesson in Communication and Perspective

Listen and Learn: A Lesson in Communication and Perspective

Like the rest of the working world, the Stanton team is diving deep into 2018 and drifting away from post-holiday blues. Two important things we are keeping in mind this year are communication and perspective. These two key elements are needed for any PR professional to succeed. This industry is all about one-on-one relationships with […]

Pitch Perfect, Brand Reputation, and Pizza Wars

QUICK PR READS YOU CAN TACKLE BETWEEN BITES Happy Tuesday, Lunch Breakers! The holidays are right around the corner, as is the inevitable sound of early Christmas music, shopping and the consumption that defines every holiday season. In this week’s edition, we bring you a look at what’s to come for PR in 2018, successful […]

Take a Lunch Break with the Strategy Room

Strategy Room Lunch Break

I have a bit of a reputation at Stanton Communications for being “the clipper,” a.k.a. the colleague that sends everyone articles on clients, their personal interests and the occasional “22 Corgis Who Can’t Get Up the Stairs” pictorial to brighten their day. It began early in life. Really early. From the time I was an […]

The Best (Un)Believable Marketing on April Fools’ Day

Admit it. You’ve been “had” at some point today. I have a few friends who already signed off Facebook for the rest of April 1st in an attempt to escape any tomfoolery. In that case, they better also avoid email, Twitter, YouTube, or the World Wide Web altogether. However, it may be worth the hoax. […]

Dress-Gate—the Best Accidental PR Campaign

Last week the internet broke, and surprisingly enough it was for a reason other than an inappropriate magazine spread featuring Kim Kardashian’s derriere. Instead, it was broken by an evening dress. It all began when a Scottish woman unassumingly posted a picture of a dress on Tumblr asking followers to help her decide the dress’ […]

The X Factor of The X Factor

You may have seen commercials or perhaps a national headline about the latest rendition of the popular U.K. talent competition, The X Factor. Come fall, the next big U.K.-turned-U.S.-smash-hit-from-a-guy-named-Simon will air on FOX, and the sights of ambitious singers are set as high as the anticipated ratings. But what’s the real driving force behind the […]

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